Week #12 and Four Character Traits we Emphasize
Character development is a big deal at Acton Academy Lakewood. It’s an essential part of our philosophy of learning, which drives everything from the way we set up the studio, to the systems we create, and the Socratic discussions we have.
Clear thinking leads to good decisions;
Good decisions lead to the the right habits;
The right habits lead to character;
And character becomes destiny.
There are hundreds of positive character traits. Which ones are on our mind the most when we say “character development” at Acton Academy Lakewood?
1: strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage
Using a suboptimal tool to replace a wheel.
1: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values: incorruptibility
Writing the Greek Alphabet on the wax tablet she made.
1: capable of being or becoming for a particular use, purpose, or situation
Making salt dough that will eventually become a map of Greece.
1: to experience great pleasure or delight
Want your child to develop more fortitude, integrity, adaptability, and joy for their unique journey? Schedule a tour to check us out firsthand. We have 3 openings for January 2021.
Enjoy more photos from last week.