At Acton, we use the word "milestone" a lot. It's a handy word for a journey-oriented place, and the perfect word for summing up last week.
Our 5-year-olds went a little crazy hitting milestones--reading their first books, tying their first bows, and/or really getting into the groove toward doing so very soon. It's rewarding to see the pride on their faces after choosing to embrace something that they've wanted to be able to do and at times wished there were fewer steps for! Practice, practice, practice! Try, try again!
In a different way, our Elementary Learners hit a milestone as a community. Over and over last week, when faced with the reality of one of them being nervous about embracing a challenge, the others responded with encouragement unlike ever before. From celebratory wrestle piles to affirmations such as, "You never know who may be really good at this, people were built up by the spontaneous actions of their peers.
These milestones signal to us that an excellent culture has taken root at Acton Academy Lakewood. It's one thing to have great days but even more special to see the synergistic accumulation of day after day in milestones.
Hoping your week is off to a great start, whether it is one of working toward a milestone, running toward the precipice of one, or celebrating an accomplishment.