Foundational to our Excellence Standards is a culture of taking pride in everything we do.
We practice taking pride in everything we do in small ways often. Examples: How we carry computers, how we sharpen pencils, the procedures for lunch, revising writing over and over, asking more questions instead of settling for misunderstanding.
Last week was full of Halloween fun, which was a perfect opportunity to take pride in our work in new ways.
It’s wonderful to see that our learners who have been with us the longest also take the most care in their work. This goes from equipping themselves through self-paced Core Skills work every day to picking out and taking care of their Halloween costume, to painting or carving their pumpkin.
I believe that work of excellence is transformational. Once a student sees that he or she is capable of excellence, that student is never quite the same.
Molly Franklin Lucia, M.Ed.
Head of School
Want your children to become equipped for life by experiencing excellence at school? Schedule a tour or just give us a call (214-868-6686). We allow new enrollments each session according to our slow growth model.